The worship of the golden calf be the characteristic cult of modern society. 拜金主义是现代社会特有的迷信。
A: We are living in an age in which golden calf is idolized. 我们生活在一个拜金主义的时代。
This film is a lyrical comedy that criticizes the worship of the golden calf and glorifies the true love. 这是一部抒情喜剧故事片。影片批判了拜金主义,颂扬了人间真情。
It is interesting that the false worship established in Bethel by Jeroboam was a golden calf. 我们发现有趣的是,北方的王耶罗波安在伯特利设立的错误的崇拜竟然是一个金牛犊。
This is what happened when the Israelites at Sinai made a visible symbol of God in the form of a golden calf. 以色列人在西乃山用金牛犊代表上帝,就是这样犯罪。
The story is popularly remembered as having the people worshipping the golden calf they had made. 这个故事因表现了人们膜拜自己创造的金牛犊而被广为铭记。
Anything can become a golden calf. 任何东西都可能成为崇拜对象。
I was in Guangzhou judging the Golden Calf Awards. 上周我在广州参与金犊奖的评审工作。
Aaron made the golden calf at Israel's request because the people rebelled against God. 亚伦根据以色列人的要求制造金牛犊来对抗神。
In the Bible, the story goes that while Moses was busy up on Mount Sinai collecting the Ten Commandments, the escaped slaves he had left at the base of the mountain smelted a great pagan sculpture of a golden calf. 《圣经》故事记载,摩西在西奈山上忙于接受《十诫》时,他留在山脚下的逃亡奴隶熔铸了一尊巨大的金牛犊异教雕塑。
Prostrate before the golden calf, did he call for a referendum? 在金犊之前所崇拜时,他有没有要求一个请示书呢?
With the gold Aaron made a golden calf and the people worshipped it as their god. 亚伦用这些金子作了一个金牛犊,以色列人把它当神崇拜。
And he comes down from the mountain to his people and they're worshipping the golden calf. 他从山上下来,却看到了百姓们在拜金牛犊。
One reason is that the golden calf would have acted as a pedestal to bring in the old-style gods of the Egyptians. 一个原因就是,金牛犊本可用作一个基座,以吸引旧式埃及众神。
Nine mocking years with the golden calf and three long years of the scourge! 笑傲九年的物质财富,然后是整整三年的灾难!
The golden calf was just going to be the base of a throne, to which pagan deities would be drawn. 金牛犊刚好要做成王位的基座,而这个基座会招引异教诸神。
Then it tells about the golden calf story, how the Israelites rejected Moses and the law, and made a golden fat calf to worship. 这讲的是金牛犊的故事,以色列人违背摩西和律法,熔铸了一尊巨大的金牛犊雕像。
The problem of the golden calf began with the prolonged absence of Moses from the camp. 金牛犊的问题起源于摩西长时间的离开营地。
Yet there is a second reason that the book of Exodus goes on at such length against the golden calf – and it prefigures what is undoubtedly going to happen as banking regulations get argued about in the weeks and months to come. 然而,《出埃及记》之所以花了如此长的篇幅来反对金牛犊,还有第二个原因&而随着人们会在未来数周数月讨论银行业监管问题,这个原因预示了到时无疑会发生的事情。
Paul may also been thinking of the time when Aaron made the golden calf at Israel's request when they rebelled against God. 保罗可能是想到了亚伦曾在以色列叛离神时应众人的要求,制造金牛犊。